Welcome to CDSDS.

Please complete the onboarding training below.

Lorem ipsum etc...


The idea here was a different take on a new starter / security course.

A chat window will appear from someone in HR.

The chatbot needs to seem real - so is supposed to start with a few small talk pleasantries, make typos, will ignore you sometimes and you can ask it various personal things like favourite colour or things about the company like holidays or tell me a joke etc.

A few minutes later it would reappear - "Hi just filling the paperwork, can you confirm your birthday and address please?"

A few minutes later again "Sorry to bother you again, have you filled in the salary form? - No? just enter your bank details here" etc.

Then suddenly the screen would blank out - voiceover - You thought I was from HR... but now I'm YOU!".

This page explores the basics of chatbot creation.